Towne Villas Homeowners Association
Community Pride
Many residents take great pride in the upkeep of their property. Curb appearance is one of the best ways to maintain property values within the community and keep homeowners happy with the value of their investment. Please make sure that you are helping to maintain the overall appearance of the property by doing your part. Refer to the 'Policies of Towne Villas Homeowners Association' for some guidelines. Basics include keeping your garbage and recycling out of public view until pickup day, removing unused or unrepaired items from public view and upkeep of your dwelling. If we all do our part our community will continue to be a great place to live.
Notify the HOA of Occupants:
You are required to complete the “Residents Information Sheet” (Downloads) and email it to the HOA. We need to be able to contact you. If you change any of the information on the sheet, please be sure to update the HOA. You must give us your tenants information which includes their email address.