Structure Changes:


Changes made to any property including, but not limited to; house colors, fence location/color, landscaping, etc. MUST be approved by the HOA PRIOR to making the changes.  House colors must be "Williamsburg" colors per the By Laws.


Curb Appeal:


Each Homeowner/Resident is responsible for maintaining their own lawn.  Cutting grass, weed eating, etc. is expected to be done when needed.  This includes the area behind your privacy fence.  You own the property between your backyard/privacy fence and the chainlink fence. This is the emergency easements, and they must remain clear of all debris and personal belongings.  If the City must use the area behind your privacy fence, they will destroy your property to get to the emergency. 


Failure to maintain the easement area on will result in a $250 fine for every month it is not cleared. After 2 notices the HOA will have it cleaned, you billed for the cleanup and a $500 fine.


Failure to maintain curb appeal will result in a fine with the price depending upon the offense.